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A Grieving Mother { Mrs Stella Offor BAKARE} Is sobbing For Justice For Her Deceased Child.
Here is Her Account of what really happened:

Tobi, my lone tyke (a male, well-meaning 14-year-old) was conceded into Duro Soleye Hospital, Allen Avenue, Lagos State on the morning of Saturday, 10 June 2017. He passed on the morning of Tuesday, 13 June 2017 because of the carelessness of Doctors Korede and Awe , who were on obligation and their managers, Duro Soleye Hospital.
What happened:
1. At the point when Tobi was conceded, the healing facility, shockingly, had no wheel seat to take him to his ward. The medical caretaker on obligation put him on my back to get to the ward.
2. Duro Soleye Hospital put Tobi on oxygen on Sunday, 11 June 2017. The oxygen barrel was put and clearly not in great condition (see joined pictures). This had me stressed, however I was more worried about my child's survival.
3. Tobi had a CT check at Echoscan on Monday, 12 June 2017. Duro Soleye had no useful rescue vehicle to take us to Echoscan for the test, we needed to pay N5,000 for the research center to convey their emergency vehicle to lift Tobi up.
4. I over and again needed to call the consideration of the medical caretaker or specialist on obligation to go to Tobi, to supplant the trickle, or to do their legal obligations. The medical caretakers on night obligation were never immediate or responsive, continually whining and hesitant to do their work. All through our stay in the healing center, the bed sheets were never showed signs of change. The floor was additionally cleaned with just water, rather than disinfectant.
5. We got the CT filter comes about at around 5pm. The specialists [OE2] on obligation saw the outcomes and did not understand how to continue with the medications. This was clear proof of the specialists showing clear ineptitude in the evaluation of Tobi. By then, I started to freeze however couldn't take him to another healing facility since he was at that point on oxygen. The specialists on obligation attempted futile to get bearings from the Medical Director, Dr. Odunowo, however couldn't contact him till around 11pm.
6. At night of that same day (i.e., Monday, 12 June 2017), I asked the woman specialist on night obligation (Dr Korede) and the medical attendants to change to another oxygen barrel to keep away from midnight weariness. I did this, in light of the fact that their training was to rest for the duration of the night. Notwithstanding my legal mandate as a paying customer and mother of the patient, they declined to transform it, demanding that there was still a little oxygen left.
7. The oxygen got depleted while the specialists and medical attendants were sound sleeping. The specialists and medical caretakers had even neglected to do the standard ward adjusts and couldn't completely say when the oxygen got depleted! The specialists and attendants on obligation neglected to go to instantly to Tobi, despite the fact that he required pressing medicinal consideration.
8. Because of my perseverance as a mother, I found that the oxygen was depleted, I called the specialist and medical caretakers to change to another chamber. None of them knew how to settle the new chamber, they were contending among themselves whether it was 'elastic sort' or 'plier sort'! They in this manner called an elderly man, clinic driver, from downstairs[ who fiddled and tinkered with it and apparently "settled" it. Before my disclosure, the specialist and medical attendants neglected to change the oxygen barrel, an errand which ought to have been done under any situation for the benefit of Tobi.
9. The specialist (Dr Korede), medical caretakers and the elderly man at that point left the ward and the specialist turned off the light saying light can harm his eyes. This elevated my dread; after a few minutes I exchanged on the light and shouted to the specialist, who came and pronounced Tobi dead. It worked out that no oxygen gone from the barrel to Tobi!
10. Additionally, bodily fluid in his mouth was not sucked all as the night progressed. Tobi was unlawfully denied of his entitlement to life by the activities and inactions of the restorative faculty on obligation. He kicked the bucket a terrible and agonizing demise with bounty stifling bodily fluid (picture appended), which the Medical Director of the healing center, Dr. Odunowo, saw himself.
I educated the Medical Director of this advancement when he continued for obligation on Tuesday, 13 June 2017. I additionally composed a formal letter (duplicate appended) to the healing center, which they declined to recognize. I gave the healing facility my telephone number.
I need equity for my child, whose life, dreams and yearnings were unlawfully stopped. One he had always wanted was to consider Medicine in the college, so he could help spare lives. Sadly, a similar organization he anticipated being a piece of, woefully fizzled him. Specialists owe their patients an obligation of care and should never be careless in their obligations.
Yours' earnestly,
Stella Offor BAKARE
It would be ideal if you enable us to get Justice
Here is Her Account of what really happened:
Tobi, my lone tyke (a male, well-meaning 14-year-old) was conceded into Duro Soleye Hospital, Allen Avenue, Lagos State on the morning of Saturday, 10 June 2017. He passed on the morning of Tuesday, 13 June 2017 because of the carelessness of Doctors Korede and Awe , who were on obligation and their managers, Duro Soleye Hospital.
What happened:
1. At the point when Tobi was conceded, the healing facility, shockingly, had no wheel seat to take him to his ward. The medical caretaker on obligation put him on my back to get to the ward.
2. Duro Soleye Hospital put Tobi on oxygen on Sunday, 11 June 2017. The oxygen barrel was put and clearly not in great condition (see joined pictures). This had me stressed, however I was more worried about my child's survival.
3. Tobi had a CT check at Echoscan on Monday, 12 June 2017. Duro Soleye had no useful rescue vehicle to take us to Echoscan for the test, we needed to pay N5,000 for the research center to convey their emergency vehicle to lift Tobi up.
4. I over and again needed to call the consideration of the medical caretaker or specialist on obligation to go to Tobi, to supplant the trickle, or to do their legal obligations. The medical caretakers on night obligation were never immediate or responsive, continually whining and hesitant to do their work. All through our stay in the healing center, the bed sheets were never showed signs of change. The floor was additionally cleaned with just water, rather than disinfectant.
5. We got the CT filter comes about at around 5pm. The specialists [OE2] on obligation saw the outcomes and did not understand how to continue with the medications. This was clear proof of the specialists showing clear ineptitude in the evaluation of Tobi. By then, I started to freeze however couldn't take him to another healing facility since he was at that point on oxygen. The specialists on obligation attempted futile to get bearings from the Medical Director, Dr. Odunowo, however couldn't contact him till around 11pm.
6. At night of that same day (i.e., Monday, 12 June 2017), I asked the woman specialist on night obligation (Dr Korede) and the medical attendants to change to another oxygen barrel to keep away from midnight weariness. I did this, in light of the fact that their training was to rest for the duration of the night. Notwithstanding my legal mandate as a paying customer and mother of the patient, they declined to transform it, demanding that there was still a little oxygen left.
7. The oxygen got depleted while the specialists and medical attendants were sound sleeping. The specialists and medical caretakers had even neglected to do the standard ward adjusts and couldn't completely say when the oxygen got depleted! The specialists and attendants on obligation neglected to go to instantly to Tobi, despite the fact that he required pressing medicinal consideration.
8. Because of my perseverance as a mother, I found that the oxygen was depleted, I called the specialist and medical caretakers to change to another chamber. None of them knew how to settle the new chamber, they were contending among themselves whether it was 'elastic sort' or 'plier sort'! They in this manner called an elderly man, clinic driver, from downstairs[ who fiddled and tinkered with it and apparently "settled" it. Before my disclosure, the specialist and medical attendants neglected to change the oxygen barrel, an errand which ought to have been done under any situation for the benefit of Tobi.
9. The specialist (Dr Korede), medical caretakers and the elderly man at that point left the ward and the specialist turned off the light saying light can harm his eyes. This elevated my dread; after a few minutes I exchanged on the light and shouted to the specialist, who came and pronounced Tobi dead. It worked out that no oxygen gone from the barrel to Tobi!
10. Additionally, bodily fluid in his mouth was not sucked all as the night progressed. Tobi was unlawfully denied of his entitlement to life by the activities and inactions of the restorative faculty on obligation. He kicked the bucket a terrible and agonizing demise with bounty stifling bodily fluid (picture appended), which the Medical Director of the healing center, Dr. Odunowo, saw himself.
I educated the Medical Director of this advancement when he continued for obligation on Tuesday, 13 June 2017. I additionally composed a formal letter (duplicate appended) to the healing center, which they declined to recognize. I gave the healing facility my telephone number.
I need equity for my child, whose life, dreams and yearnings were unlawfully stopped. One he had always wanted was to consider Medicine in the college, so he could help spare lives. Sadly, a similar organization he anticipated being a piece of, woefully fizzled him. Specialists owe their patients an obligation of care and should never be careless in their obligations.
Yours' earnestly,
Stella Offor BAKARE
It would be ideal if you enable us to get Justice
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